The Mystery at Penby Inn

A murder mystery visual novel. Coming soon.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a visual novel?

A visual novel (VN) is a form of digital interactive fiction. They combine a textural narrative with illustrations and a degree of interactivity. A kinetic visual novel is a special type of visual novel that does not contain branching plots. This is similar to a conventional novel or a graphic novel.

The game is currently in development and is likely to be released around February 2024.

If you use the registration form on this website, your details will be added into a lucky draw. Ten lucky participants will get a free copy of the game each , after it is released. Winners will be notified by email, therefore please ensure you provide an email account that you have access to.

The game will be avaiable to play in English, Spanish, Simplified chinese, and Japanese.

The first release will target Windows computers. Future releases will target macOS , iOS, and Android devices.